Action Projects – a closer look

What are Action Projects?

Resident Researchers and Community Partners use our data and findings to better understand their community strengths and challenges and come up with solutions.  They share findings with community members and leaders to change perspectives and  community conditions.

HNS Action Projects build resident and community power to make the  local changes that are most important to their communities, and help us better understand “what it takes” to us our research for systemic change.

2023 Community Action Projects


Massasoit Community College – PAR Institute

Resident Researchers at Massasoit Community College developed a podcast series offering community experiences and ranging perspectives in gentrification. Hear the stories and thoughts of people experiencing the effects of rapid gentrification and growing displacement in the city of Brockton.



Greenroots and HNS Resident Researchers designed and developed a digital and print zine to inspire and engage their community in organizing for transit oriented justice for Chelsea residents.


Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation

Through the construction of a community vegetable garden in Dorchester, a long term HNS Site-Coordinator, Resident Researcher, and Community Activist launched a food distribution site at their home to increase access to healthy foods for seniors and low income youth.


Everett Community Growers

Everett Resident Researchers and the Everett Community Growers team engaged and organized residents to combat the compounding impacts of gentrification and climate change in Everett. Using the HNS Anti-Displacement Toolkit HNS and ECG hosted a series of PAR workshops to understand and develop community-led heat, health, and housing solutions in Everett.

Fall River

Greater Fall River Partners for a Healthier Community

Fall River Resident Researchers developed and distributed a community resource guide to over 1000 Fall River residents, primarily public housing residents, to ensure that they have access to local resources and social services.

New Bedford

YMCA Southcoast

Lifelong New Bedford residents and HNS Resident Researchers created a storytelling art exhibition of historical photos and published a photo book to highlight New Bedford’s generation of Cape Verdean history and changing landscape due to gentrification and the displacement of legacy residents. Read a blog about this project here.


Mattapan Food and Fitness

A lifelong Mattapan resident, HNS Site Coordinator, and Resident Researcher produced a podcast series “Voices of the Pan” to share what we’re learning through our research in a more accessible and engaging way. Voices of the Pan podcast amplifies the voices of community leaders and shines a light on how their work to protect against gentrification and displacement impacts us all.

Listen Here!


Alternatives for Community and Environment

Roxbury Resident Researchers partnered with a local community-based organization to lead a community-centered discussion called “Getting It Off My Chest” to inform and mobilize Roxbury residents to fight against gentrification and displacement in their neighborhood.


Have questions or want to connect with a local action project? Reach out here!